
作者: 2020年07月03日 來源:中國石化新聞網 瀏覽量:
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據油價網6月29日報道,本周,英國石油公司(BP)發(fā)布了《2020年世界能源統計回顧》(Statistical Review of World Energy 2020)。該報告涵蓋了截至2019年的能源數據,并提供了國家一級主要能源供需的綜合情況。

據油價網6月29日報道,本周,英國石油公司(BP)發(fā)布了《2020年世界能源統計回顧》(Statistical Review of World Energy 2020)。該報告涵蓋了截至2019年的能源數據,并提供了國家一級主要能源供需的綜合情況。


去年一次能源消耗增長了1.3%,不到2018年(2.8%)增長率的一半。 盡管如此,這仍然是世界連續(xù)第十年創(chuàng)下能源消耗的歷史新高。




郝芬 譯自 油價網


Fossil Fuels Make Up 84 Percent Of The Global Energy Market

This week BP released its Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. The Review covers energy data through 2019, and provides a comprehensive picture of supply and demand for major energy sources on a country-level basis.

This annual report is one of the most important sources of global energy data. It is a primary source of data for numerous companies, government agencies, and non-government organizations.

Primary energy consumption grew by 1.3% last year, which was less than half the rate of 2018 (2.8%). Nevertheless, this still represents the 10th consecutive year that the world set a new all-time high for energy consumption.

The largest share of the increase in energy consumption, 41%, was contributed by renewables. Natural gas contributed the second largest increment with 36% of the increase. However, as an overall share of energy consumption, oil remained on top with 33% of all energy consumption. The remainder of global energy consumption came from coal (27%), natural gas (24%), hydropower (6%), renewables (5%), and nuclear power (4%).

Cumulatively, fossil fuels — still accounted for 84% of the world’s primary energy consumption in 2019.

China was responsible for three quarters of the world’s energy consumption growth, followed by India and Indonesia. The U.S. and Germany posted the largest declines.

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標簽:化石燃料 能源市場
