阿塞拜疆Shah Deniz天然氣產(chǎn)量已超過1290億立方米

作者: 2020年09月23日 來源:中國石化新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽量:
字號:T | T
據(jù)9月21日Neftegaz.Ru消息:阿塞拜疆最大的氣田Shah Deniz自2006年投產(chǎn)以來,已經(jīng)生產(chǎn)了超過1290億立方米的天然氣和超過2900萬噸的凝析油。

據(jù)9月21日Neftegaz.Ru消息:阿塞拜疆最大的氣田Shah Deniz自2006年投產(chǎn)以來,已經(jīng)生產(chǎn)了超過1290億立方米的天然氣和超過2900萬噸的凝析油。

該氣田于1999年6月發(fā)現(xiàn),儲量為1.2萬億立方米天然氣和2.4億噸凝析油,Shah Deniz天然氣項目的成功實施使阿塞拜疆成為世界上主要的天然氣出口國。


值得注意的是,2020年1月至8月期間,azerio-chirag-guneshli區(qū)塊生產(chǎn)了1 590萬噸石油和78億立方米天然氣。


此外,通過Shah denzi-1號項目,南高加索天然氣管道已經(jīng)向格魯吉亞輸送了98億立方米天然氣,向土耳其輸送了737億立方米。


馮娟 摘譯自 Neftegaz.Ru


Azerbaijan produces 129 billion m3 of gas from Shah Deniz

Azerbaijan has produced over 129 billion m3 of natural gas and more than 29 million tons of condensate from its largest gas field Shah Deniz since its commissioning in 2006, Azertag reported with reference to SOCAR’s 1st Vice President Khoshbakht Yusifzade.

Yusifzade said that the discovery of the giant Shah Deniz field in June 1999, with reserves of 1.2 trillion m3 of gas and 240 million tons of condensate, and the successful implementation of the Shah Deniz gas project introduced Azerbaijan to the world as a major gas exporter.

Furthermore, he said that 516 million tons of oil and 172 billion m3 of natural gas have been produced from Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli block of fields. Out of this volume, 305 million tons of profitable oil was sold in the world markets, which is 59 % of all produced from ACG block so far.

It should be noted that 15.9 million tons of oil and 7.8 billion m3 of natural gas were produced from Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli block of fields during the period of January- August 2020.

Yusifzade also noted that so far, Azerbaijan has exported 579 million tons of oil to the world markets, including 417 million tons via Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, and 162 million tons via Baku-Supsa, Baku-Novorossiysk oil pipelines and railway.

Additionally, he emphasized that 9.8 billion m3 of natural gas have been transported to Georgia and 73.7 billion m3 to Turkey via the South Caucasus gas pipeline under the Shah Deniz-1 project.

The contract for the development of Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli oil fields was signed on September 20, 1994 and entered into force in December. The contract for the development of ACG block was extended to 2050 in September 2017.

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標簽:凝析油 阿塞拜疆 天然氣出口國
